دانلود ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus Build 5423

دانلود ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus Build 5423

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یکی از قدرتمندترین نرم افزار های شرکت ManageEngine محصولی است به نام ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus که جهت آنالیز و تحلیل وضعیت موجود و ایجاد گزارشگیری از سروهای Microsoft Exchange محصول شرکت مایکروسافت میباشد. شما به کمک این نرم افزار میتوانید گزارشهایی از میل باکس ، از کاربران فعال و میل باکس های غیرفعال و … را بک آپ گرفته و بعد در صورت نیاز به ان مراجعه نمایید و از آن استفاده کنید همچنین این نرم افزار از office 365 نیز گزارش هایی تهیه میکند.


What is Exchange Reporter Plus?

Microsoft Exchange Server is, by and large the most popular communication, collaboration and email messaging application today. Microsoft Exchange serves as the hub of all email communications in most corporate environments that use the Active Directory technology. It becomes a necessity to have an Exchange reporting tool that will equip an Exchange Administrator with precise, granular, comprehensive and actionable data on all aspects of the MS Exchange Server.

ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus is a web-based analysis and reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Servers. Exchange Reporter Plus is a comprehensive MS Exchange reporting software that provides over 100 different reports on every aspect of the Microsoft Exchange Server environment.

What problems does it solve?

Track incoming and outgoing email message, monitor mailbox size, perform Exchange traffic analysis and keep spam away from Active Directory mailboxes with Mailbox Traffic, Mailbox Content, and Mailbox Size Reports.
Access real-time monitoring reports on Exchange database and server; ensure Exchange health and smooth functionality of server roles.
Keep up with ActiveSync traffic in your organization by obtaining elaborate reports on ActiveSync usage, sync requests, policy details, status information & device details.
Keep a tab on the number of messages sent and received by each Exchange server using Server Traffic Reports.
Monitor the vital statistics of Exchange Server Public Folders with comprehensive Public Folder Reports.
Generate reports on Distribution Lists and also show the traffic for each distribution by running Distribution Lists Traffic Report!

اطلاعات فایل

شرکت سازنده: Manageengine 
نام انگلیسی: ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus
تاریخ انتشار:  سپتامبر 2021
منبع: گیک بویGeekboy.pro

ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus

پسورد : www.geekboy.pro


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